Let's talk about skin care! I never knew the importance of taking care of your skin! I was in my early 30's when I was introduced to skin care and I wish I would've been educated enough to start earlier!! See, I always thought a skin care regimen was for old people, took too much time and was expensive, so water and soap did just fine... boy was I WRONG! A skin care regimen should be customized to your skin's needs... combination, oily, normal, dry, sensitive, early signs of aging, moderate signs of aging etc. Finding the perfect set can change your skin and will help your makeup look flawless. Did you know: Our collagen production starts to slow down in our mid to late 20's! A night cream will help restore the natural production of collagen while were sleeping. Using a bar of soap can damage the outer protective layer of skin which leads to accentuated wrinkles and pores and can cause acne and inflammation! So, next time put down the bar of soap and ...